
Safer Web DNS Filter

Safer Web filters the internet to protect you and your family from privacy trackers, inappropriate content and malicious websites.
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Employees at the world’s largest corporations don’t have to worry about malicious adware.
So why should you?

Our Safer Web DNS filter provides a safe browsing experience for everyone, blocking unwanted ads and suspicious URLs.


How DNS Filtering
Protects You

Filters out explicit content and limits access to a wide variety of commonly used apps and websites.

Prevents various types of tracking on your device for upgraded privacy protection.

Blocks domains associated with malware and phishing thanks to behaviour analysis tools and smart threat detection.


Simple and Intuitive Interface

Live display of the blocked ads, trackers and websites
Just a single click to activate your protection
Easy and intuitive management of your filters

Who Needs DNS Protection

With cyberthreats increasing at an alarming rate, every single internet user can enjoy greater security with DNS Protection.

What Safer Web DNS Blocker Does

The Safer Web DNS blocker stops ads and data trackers from invading your privacy and threatening your security.

Why Use Safer Web for DNS Security and Parental Control

With the Internet becoming an increasingly hostile environment, Safer Web provides a powerful safety net to keep you and your family safe from a whole host of cyberthreats.

Filtering Children's Online Content
Has Never Been So Important

risk iconInappropriate Content71% of tweens and 88% of teens encounter nudity or sexual content online
risk iconDrugs/Alcohol70% of tweens and 91% of teens engage in conversations about drugs & alcohol
risk iconViolence88% of tweens and 94% of teens have been exposed to violent content online

Safer Web DNS Filter FAQs

Stay Secure Online with Safer Web

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