#Identity Protection


Report Phishing! How To Unmask A Geek Squad Scam Email

January 18, 2024
Geek Squad scams often involve tricking victims into paying for unnecessary services, providing sensitive information, or gaining unauthorized access to their devices. These scams can take many forms, from Geek Squad tech support scams, to Geek Squad billing scams, and fake subscription scams.
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Identity Theft Defense: How To Find My Identity Protection Pin

January 9, 2024
One crucial tool in the arsenal of identity protection is the Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN). This unique six-digit number adds an extra layer of security to your identity, helping to prevent unauthorized use of your Social Security Number (SSN) and thwart potential identity theft.
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Webcam Security Camera: How To Tell If It Has Been Hacked

December 17, 2023
While webcams provide enhanced surveillance capabilities, they also introduce potential risks if not adequately secured. This blog aims to shed light on how to tell if your webcam has been hacked, the implications of unsecured webcams and microphones, and crucial tips to prevent unauthorized access to webcam security software.
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Weak Security Wi-Fi? 10 Ways to Strengthen & Fix Security Wi-Fi

December 11, 2023
'Weak security’ in the context of Wi-Fi typically refers to vulnerabilities or inadequacies in the security measures implemented to protect a wireless network. The security of a Wi-Fi network is crucial to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and other potential threats.
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